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Mar 6, 2012

Why Your Business Needs a Professional Business Blogger By Lew Newmark

I see this more often than not on the web, a successful business's website or business blog, that's just got a lot of bells and whistles and offers little in the way of valuable information.
The reason for this is because the information that's presented there isn't written in a way that captures it's intended audience's attention and the reason for that is because the owners of that site decided to write their own content and not hire a professional business blogger to write the content for them.
What happens when someone inside the company writes content for the corporate website or blog without understanding exactly who that content should be written for?
Here are few things that happen when a business site has poorly written content:
  • Your website loses relevance
  • Your site loses ranking in SERP (Search Engine Return Page) results
  • Your site loses readership
  • Loss of business revenue
As the owner of a business it should be clear by now that the internet has changed the way business marketing is conducted today. Many businesses just like yours have begun leveraging the power of the internet to draw more attention to their businesses through various social media channels including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
But the one thing that separates the winners from the losers in today's world of internet marketing for business is the type of content that a business website or blog offers to its readers.
Fresh and relevant content matters. Updating a business website or business blog with content written by a professional business blogger is one of the best investments that you can make for your business.
When you hire a professional business blogger, they take the time to do the research that someone inside your organization will not do. They conduct keyword research to discover what your potential customers are searching for, and then they write content for your site that has those keywords or keyword phrases in a way that's entertaining and also informative.
The other thing they do is avoid less than reputable practices such as something called Keyword Stuffing. Keyword Stuffing is the practice of using keywords and phrases in the content of an article so many times that the article is nothing more than something that's written for a search engine's web crawler.
This practice is frowned upon by major search engines because content that's written this way delivers little in the way of information that's relevant to a person searching for information on the web.
So don't let your business's website suffer from a lack of professionally written web content. Make that investment in your business by hiring a professional business blogger and take advantage of all they have to offer for your business.
Lew Newmark is a High Caliber content writer and the owner of KeyWords Media, an online web content business. Lew writes content that's engaging, informative and delivered in a way that will have your readers eating out of the palm of your hand.
Find out what High caliber content is really all about and how it can get your business website or blog better web visibility and SERP returns today by visiting Lew at
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