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Mar 5, 2012

Hosted DNS Services for Exemplary Site Acceleration

It is undeniable that the globalization of the web has made the world a much more convenient place to live. Not only has it revolutionized the lives of the people, it has unlocked a number of business opportunities as well. Though the web plays the host to a large number of websites generating remarkable revenues; however as the loading speed of a website plays a pivotal role in deciding its popularity, it becomes extremely critical for website owners to make sure expeditious provision of the required content on user requests. Adding to the challenge is the incorporation of Web 2.0 platforms, creating the need for personalized content.
Although conventional websites have the options of going for a reliable site acceleration solution such as Content Delivery Network solution or CDN for short, when the need for personalized content comes into picture, using CDN solutions is simply futile. CDN solutions are used to deliver the required content quickly by storing the content of the websites on various web-based servers around the world. This way, when a user requests for a website, the solution chooses the data server closest to the user to decrease the loading time. Hence, when there is a user send a personalized data request, using CDN solutions hardly has any impact on the loading speed.
In order to resolve the issue, websites can now go for hosted DNS solutions. In simple terms, DNS or Domain Name Server hosting can be defined as a globally distributed service solutions for resolving DNS requests using the nearest point of presence, or POP for short. By using DNS hosting solutions, websites can make sure that their users start receiving content faster, thereby greatly enhancing the overall loading speed. In addition to serving as a highly efficient site acceleration tool, hosted DNS solutions may also offer an extra layer of security for the websites and web applications they are being used on.
All in all, it is safe to say that using hosted DNS solutions is sure to facilitate the data requests of users of websites by a great extent; thus, making them faster while improving their overall popularities. However, before you may avail this site acceleration solution for optimizing your website performance, it is recommended to be sure about the efficiency of the solution you are planning to go for. In order to make sure this, the simplest way is to check the user testimonials and press releases published on the websites of all leading providers offering such network solutions.
If you are a website owner or a blog owner, for making your visitor happy and earning great rewards, you need to make some technology advances. You need to have the Hosted DNS, so that you show the results faster than your competitors and get quality customers too. We are most prominent Site Acceleration services provider.
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