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Mar 6, 2012

Video Games for Children: Helpful Tips for Concerned Parents By Aline Heller

Children definitely like video games. However, it is a cause for concern to parents as a lot of these games contain materials that are not fit for children. Violence, bad language and nudity abound in some of these videos. Here are some tips to help parents choose video games that are safe and enjoyable for children:
1. Take into account your children's interests. For children who love animals, some of these stuff feature animals. There are also sports-related digital entertainment systems for those interested in sports. Others revolve around fantasy themes or challenging strategies. Children will enjoy the ones that are attuned to their interests.
2. Find out what other mothers are saying about their children's video games. Other mothers' comments are bound to be more reliable than any ratings posted on the packaging. You can talk to mothers who have children who are about the same age as yours, or you can browse for customer reviews. You can benefit a lot from other parents' recommendations and criticisms.
3. Consult the ratings posted by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) on the packaging. However, do not make this your sole basis for purchasing. They usually classify these software in terms of suitability to a particular age bracket. Read the reasons used by the ESRB for categorization, and see if they are acceptable to you.
4. Use the parental control settings incorporated on your kids' entertainment consoles or computers. These settings use the ESRB ratings to block out any games that do not fall within the ratings that you have specified. As these settings are password-restricted, you would be able to protect your kids from inappropriate elements even during the times when you are not directly supervising them.
5. Children like games that make them feel powerful and in control. Manufacturers of these software intentionally create videos that fulfill this particular need in children by incorporating violence. Try to choose those that children will find challenging and thrilling without being violent. There are videos that provide challenging puzzles and give children a feeling of accomplishment.
6. Avoid purchasing games that require too little effort from your children, as they will surely find them boring in a short span of time. Look for those that are intellectually challenging and which enhance their critical thinking skills.
7. For your young girls, find those with characters that encourage strength and accomplishment.
8. Choose dual or multi-player entertainment systems that help develop your child's socialization skills. Some of these intentionally require cooperation among its players.
The best way for you to decide if a video game is worth purchasing is for you to try them out yourself first. You can ask the vendor for a sample demonstration within the store, or you can rent it out first. Go over reviews and talk to other parents. That way, you can ensure you would be getting your money's worth when you decide to buy it. At the same time, you would feel confident that the ones you chose are not unconsciously sowing negative values among your kids.
Aline Heller writes about parenting and family life. To learn more about video games for children, go to Video Game Hotlist. Another resource is Video Game Godfather eCourse.

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Why Your Business Needs a Professional Business Blogger By Lew Newmark

I see this more often than not on the web, a successful business's website or business blog, that's just got a lot of bells and whistles and offers little in the way of valuable information.
The reason for this is because the information that's presented there isn't written in a way that captures it's intended audience's attention and the reason for that is because the owners of that site decided to write their own content and not hire a professional business blogger to write the content for them.
What happens when someone inside the company writes content for the corporate website or blog without understanding exactly who that content should be written for?
Here are few things that happen when a business site has poorly written content:
  • Your website loses relevance
  • Your site loses ranking in SERP (Search Engine Return Page) results
  • Your site loses readership
  • Loss of business revenue
As the owner of a business it should be clear by now that the internet has changed the way business marketing is conducted today. Many businesses just like yours have begun leveraging the power of the internet to draw more attention to their businesses through various social media channels including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
But the one thing that separates the winners from the losers in today's world of internet marketing for business is the type of content that a business website or blog offers to its readers.
Fresh and relevant content matters. Updating a business website or business blog with content written by a professional business blogger is one of the best investments that you can make for your business.
When you hire a professional business blogger, they take the time to do the research that someone inside your organization will not do. They conduct keyword research to discover what your potential customers are searching for, and then they write content for your site that has those keywords or keyword phrases in a way that's entertaining and also informative.
The other thing they do is avoid less than reputable practices such as something called Keyword Stuffing. Keyword Stuffing is the practice of using keywords and phrases in the content of an article so many times that the article is nothing more than something that's written for a search engine's web crawler.
This practice is frowned upon by major search engines because content that's written this way delivers little in the way of information that's relevant to a person searching for information on the web.
So don't let your business's website suffer from a lack of professionally written web content. Make that investment in your business by hiring a professional business blogger and take advantage of all they have to offer for your business.
Lew Newmark is a High Caliber content writer and the owner of KeyWords Media, an online web content business. Lew writes content that's engaging, informative and delivered in a way that will have your readers eating out of the palm of your hand.
Find out what High caliber content is really all about and how it can get your business website or blog better web visibility and SERP returns today by visiting Lew at
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AdWords Strategy: Why Are Themes More Important Than Words? By Dean Hambleton

AdWord strategy is about two star crossed lovers discovering one another. The popular idea is to have a list of words pertinent to your audience, product or service. A much better strategy may be to initially focus on themes.
A theme is a combination of keywords which create a significant thought that helps your customer find your product or service. Themes create a high level list of words that describe how your product functions. A theme is a bridge between word and actual function.
This may involve some due diligence on your part. Creating themes will not come out of the blue. It will involve some ingenuity and innovation. An individual website is a short cut. A website is broken down into themes. Those themes are direct key words. You will have to be innovative in creating another roster of key words.
Begin with keyword search ideas, themes, in place of individual keywords. Once those ideas are established, this gives a road map toward defining strong key words. An example is a plumber. You will see that there is a progression, an evolution.
Here is a way you could go: Plumber, Broken Pipes, Fix shower, Fix Broken Pipes, Kitchen Pipes, Kitchen remodeling, New Kitchens, New Kitchen Ideas, Bathroom remodeling (same sequence as Kitchen), overflowing toilet, Emergency Plumbing, Overnight Plumbing, Flooded basement.
This is a good education for you. You have to rethink how your business is done. Think through each of the individual processes. This will expand your key word list. In the plumbing business, majestically, you can learn a few new hundred themes. Who said you weren't smart and innovative?
You have to be innovative, but you don't need to necessarily reinvent the wheel of your business. Look at your website and how it is popularly navigated. Observe the words that are used on the sight. A key is the marketing material that you hand out to customers, offline.
To be successful in social media, you simply have to "dance with the girl you come with". Many times direct mail pieces are carefully optimized over time. On these materials, do you find hot-button words?
Another source may be your competitor and how they approach the business. Do they use different navigational tools on their sight? Is there a purpose for that? Do they offer different services? Are those services something you find innovative? Are there new ways of doing the business more efficiently? Are there better ways of delivering your service or describing it.
An AdWord strategy based on themes, may be more successful than keying particular words. I hope this article helps you create these kinds of strategies. If you feel that I can help you individually please get in touch with me.
Dean Hambleton
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Online Advertising Is Best If It Is Local, Not Global By Graham Jones

Online advertising is undeniably big business. After all, Google alone makes tens of billions of dollars profit each year from it. They probably wish more of us actually clicked on something. But the facts are that the vast majority of people using the Internet completely ignore all forms of online advertising. Even though it is big business, online advertising is nowhere near as big as it could be - if only people were more interested in what is on offer and therefore clicked more.
Worse, it seems that even when people do click, they only rarely buy anything as a result. Over three-quarters of people who click on an online advertisement never buy anything as a result. It means that online advertising is failing on two counts. It is failing to attract people in the first place and even when they are enticed by an advert, the advertisers are failing further by not even getting most of them to buy. Click rates are low and conversion rates are even lower. Wouldn't it be much better if the reverse were true?
A recent study suggests it can be different. The research found that there are two reasons which increase the chances of people clicking and buying after seeing an online advert. Of significance is relevance. The vast majority of online advertising is simply not relevant. For instance, I searched for the term "Adobe Photoshop Expert Bristol". I am looking for someone who is an expert on Photoshop based in Bristol, obviously. What adverts do I see? Well, I could click on the advert for Adobe Illustrator freelancers outside the UK...! Now where is the relevance? Why did the advertisers even think I would be interested? Why did Google serve up an advert that has nothing to do with Photoshop, nor Bristol? Is it any wonder that there are so few clicks and even less business?
There clearly needs to be a wholesale change in approach to online advertising, with companies being much more specific in what they serve up their adverts for. Better to serve up fewer, but more relevant adverts, get lower numbers of clicks but achieve a higher rate of purchase, than to pay for thousands of clicks that result in zero buying. Most online advertisers, it seems, pay scant attention to specificity. Yet it is such tiny detail which leads to more sales.
However, the research reveals that just as important as a relevant advert is a local one. In spite of the seeming globalisation of business, most financial activity in the world is local. McDonald's, for instance, may be a global force to be reckoned with in the fast-food sector, but few people look for one of their restaurants more than a few miles from home. Even an international company like McDonald's does almost all of its business locally. Similarly, even though your business can get your website designed anywhere in the world, the chances are it is local so you can chat to the designer, even meet up face-to-face. We might live in a global marketplace, but the vast majority of business is actually done in a small corner of it, your local corner.
So if you want to succeed in the world of online advertising you need to make two simple changes - be more relevant and emphasise your local nature. Do that and you will get fewer displays of your adverts, but you will get higher clicks and greater conversions.
Graham Jones is a psychologist who has investigated the way people use the Internet. His research can help you make the most of the Internet, particularly if you are hoping to make money online.
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How to Find a Google AdWords Consultant That's Right for Your Business By Nolan Wilson

While implementing an AdWords campaign is an effective strategy, it is only as good as your skills and knowledge of it. This is why one of the biggest mistakes when it comes to using Google AdWords is assuming you know what you are doing. While it seems easy on the surface to create ads and manage pay per click (PPC) campaigns, there is much more to them in reality.
The truth is that any website can create an AdWords account; however, the most successful campaigns are most often run by Google AdWords consultant. They have been active in the online advertising industry and keep up with the trends when it comes to not only creating great ad copy, but also creating ads that have great conversion rates. And, when it comes down to it, if your ads are not converting, then you are wasting your money.
The best option for companies is to hire a PPC consultant. They will not only be able to manage your ads, but also have the ability to work with you to ensure you are developing ads that are targeted to the right segment of customers.
In addition to this, there are a number of other benefits when it comes to hiring a Google AdWords consultant. They include:
• The ability to maximize your online adverting budget so you get the most out of your money.
• The ability to drive traffic through the correct channels and increase the change of converting customers. Traffic is okay, but targeted traffic is that much better.
• The ability to write high quality ad copy
• The ability to increase your click through rate
• The ability to maximize your overall online marketing efforts
Companies need to find an AdWords consultant that is right for their business. They need someone who can effectively manage their PPC campaign in a manner that fits in with your company's overall goals and objectives. Failure to integrate a PPC consultant into other areas of your online marketing such as organic SEO, and social media can take the steam out of your marketing efforts.
However, any consultant will not do and companies need to be diligent in finding the right company or person to manage their PPC accounts. Here are some of the criteria you should consider when seeking out the services of a consultant:
• High quality customer service and a detailed PPC management approach
• A qualified AdWords company or individual
• Positive testimonials from previous clients
• A proven track record of results
• The ability to provide conversation and traffic reports related to the online ad campaign
• A realistic view on results and timelines for the campaign. If they are promising the world then you should be cautious.
• Work is completed in-house
Google AdWords is an effective marketing tool if done correctly. It is best to leave it to the professionals. They will be able to not only maximize your money, but also your results for PPC campaign.
Nolan is an experienced freelance writer that specializes in SEO, website content development, and blogging. He has a Bachelors Degree in Media, Information, & and Technolculture, and a Masters Degree in Library and Information Science from the University of Western Ontario.
For more great information on Google AdWords, visit
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Pay Per Click - The Fastest and Most Powerful Advertising Technique By Margaret J Marceau

In the list of online marketing strategies today, pay per click is still the best among the rest. The PPC strategy is proven to be the fastest online campaign that generates good results. Online businesses are taking advantage of the effectiveness of PPC. You will know how powerful this online campaign when you choose to use it to promote your online business. This type of online campaign is very effective because it is friendly to every search engine. As we know, search engines are the most visited places by the online consumers because they serve as the widest, fastest and most convenient marketplace. That is why it is very advantageous when you post your business ads on the search engines. The main purpose of the PPC is to post your business ads effectively on the internet. With the countless quantity of online shoppers, it is a great way to put up your business online. You need to learn how beneficial PPC is to your business' success online so that you will know how to get the targeted audience.
Learning pay per click management can help you acquire the desired and required traffic of your website. There are lots of methods that an online marketer can use but PPC is the safest, fastest and easiest way to an effective marketing. Search engine optimisation is useful for your online business but you need to prioritize the PPC campaign because it can give you favourable results faster than the SEO. When advertising, people will probably choose the most effective and the fastest one. This is the ideal one for your business' success. Every day, you can expect great progress in the PPC campaign. As long as you are knowledgeable enough to manage this kind of advertising, you'll certainly end up with a cost-effective business promotion. The good thing about this campaign is that you can easily generate the required traffic. You don't have to tweak your web pages and you don't have to optimise your on page links. You can have a guarantee in PPC advertising because it can deliver results within an hour. Unlike SEO, you really need to do the off page and on page optimisation and you will usually have to wait for a number of months to see effective results. PPC is less risky compared to SEO.
The PPC or also known as paid per click advertising performs a bidding process using appropriate keywords. To effectively do this, you need to learn how to have an accurate keyword analysis. If you don't want to hire a PPC marketer, then you can learn about PPC management online to become knowledgeable within one to three days of tutorial.
The author writes for which specializes in providing valuable information for internet marketing. Find out how pay per click can direct visitors to your websites.
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6 Advantages of Pay Per Click Advertising By David M Chapman

What are the main advantages to be had from marketing your business online via pay per click advertising?
1. Anything from a local to global audience at the touch of a button
The first top advantage of pay per click advertising is that worth nothing is the fact that you can easily select the focus and scale of your target audience at the click of a button in your account.
If you want to focus your online advertising on a small, localized area, within a few square miles of your business or store, you can choose to do so. If you want to advertise your products or services across more than one continent, you can choose to do so thanks to the technical advantages of PPC.
Being able to geographically target your audience is a huge pay per click advertising advantage, particularly because the boundaries that you set can be changed at any time. There are also lots of other ways to continue targeting your audience, such as their social or cultural preferences which can be gleaned from your audience's social networking activities for example.
When using print advertising or other forms of online advertising, it is very difficult to get this kind of control over your target audience. The advantage is in the control and freedom that you have regarding geographical targeting.
2. Online advertising that is financially accessible to all
The second main advantage is the fact that you can advertise via pay per click regardless of your budget.
PPC is an effective form of online advertising that can be run on anything from a few dollars a month to millions of dollars a month. Regardless of the amount of money that you spend on your pay per click advertising, it can also still be highly successful, which is another advantage to bear in mind.
It is not how much money you spend that counts. It is how that money which you invest is spent which will start to bring in new clients and new customers to your business.
The advantage of paid search advertising as opposed to other kinds of online advertising or print advertising is the fact that you can achieve fantastic results from that advertising on any budget whatsoever.
3. Making changes is quick and easy
If you use print advertising to market your business, it is very difficult, expensive and time-consuming when you want to make changes to that advertising campaign. When you advertise, the third advantage is the fact that making changes to your campaign costs nothing (unless you are changing how much you are spending) and can be done at the click of a mouse.
You can make changes to the advertisement text within your advertisements, you can make changes to the times of day when your advertisements are shown, you can make changes to the landing pages on your website that your advertisements lead to. All of these changes can be made within a few minutes. It is that simple.
The list of what you can change is endless and therefore the advantage lies in the ease and speed at which you can market your business via this medium.
4. Development and improvement using advertising tools is never ending
The fourth advantage comes in the form of ppc tools which are under constant development and designed to make your pay per click advertising campaigns even more successful every time.
For example, if you need help optimizing your campaigns, you can use Google Analytics to make sure that you make informed decisions. You can also use other pay per click advertising tools to run a second campaign in secret for a period of time. In this way you can test out theories for that campaign to see what kind of results you might get from that campaign. All of this can be done as a test run without actually running the campaign for real and having to invest money into it.
Paid search experts are developing and improving these tools every day. These developments are never ending. The constant development behind the scenes is another clear advantage for all the advertisers who market their businesses using this medium.
Feeling constantly supported is nothing but a clear advantage to be had from marketing via this kind of advertising.
5. Online advertising that can be managed by advertising experts
In addition to all the advantages outlined above, one of the most important advantages is that you can outsource your needs to experts in the field. This then frees up your time to concentrate fully on running your business and you can also be safe in the knowledge that the best of the best are in control of your campaign from the very beginning.
People choose to outsource their pay per click advertising needs to our firm because they know that with our help their advertising is going to be more successful. We are trained, experienced and knowledgeable so that you don't have to be.
6. Google AdWords campaigns and Google AdWords marketing
It is highly recommended that you choose to advertise your business via Google AdWords for the following reasons.
One of the advantages of Google AdWords relates to the fact that Google is the largest search engine in the world. Therefore if you want to make sure that your advertising is seen by your target audience, you have the best possible chance of doing so via Google.
Through AdWords the advantage is that you can either market your business via text-based advertisements or advertisements too. The Google Display Network is huge and full of effective image advertisements run by a whole host of advertisers all over the world.
If you really want to make the best success out of your advertising, the advantages to paid search and display network advertising via Google AdWords are clear and indisputable.
David Chapman is a Google AdWords Management Expert at Webrageous.
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New Facebook Ad Offerings Set to Make a Big Splash! By Jennifer Sheahan

A Facebook leak has been circulating this week in anticipation for a large announcement coming up February 29. We will save the review and analysis for the official announcement, but I wanted to quickly let you know what we're hearing, and what it could mean for you.
In short, don't panic!
The changes are an expansion, enhancing the current offerings. What you have been doing for your business or your clients, you will still be able to do. The new offerings are designed to boost fan engagement, and so the possibilities are extremely exciting.
Let me walk you through some of the new offerings and changes...
Overall Changes in Ad Platform
The ad process will begin with a page post. So if you are managing ads for yourself or your client, you will post to the page directly first, and then form your ad from the post. Anything that can be a page post can be turned into an ad. There will be more information about the specifics of this next week, but it's an interesting development and one that gives more choices.
This includes:
  • Pictures
  • Videos
  • Status
  • Question
  • Link
  • Event
There are many features in the platinum ad offerings that will enhance community engagement, like fans being able to comment directly into the ad, which will be seen by their friends who are fans of the site.
It is also being rumored that Facebook will only display the first 90 characters of an ad. So you'll want to pull out an eraser because you'll have a bit more than half a Twitter post to craft your copy.
Bottom Line
Facebook has been reaching new record earnings. They don't want this to go away!!
From everything that is coming across my desk, I see expanded opportunities for both business owners and Facebook advertisers. For 99% of the companies and people I work with, you will still be able to do exactly what you have been doing. I am very excited about the possibilities for our members, coaching students and clients.
Let me know what questions or concerns you have, and I'll address them via blog post or video following the announcement, next Wednesday.
Fun times ahead, that's for sure!
Here you have my take on the Facebook ads changes.
If you would like to use this article on your web site, please make sure that you use my resource box as the source.
Jennifer Sheahan is the founder of The Facebook Ads Lab, a full-service ads agency specializing in Facebook PPC ads. The FBAdsLab provides ad campaign management, training, and mentor programs for marketers. The goal of the FBAdsLab is to help business owners learn all they need to know to be successful in advertising on Facebook; to take control of their traffic so they can stay ahead of their competition and be leaders in their field. Helping people understand Facebook marketing and delivering outstanding results are the most crucial aspects of the FBAdsLab mission.
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How to Setup Your AdWords Account By Hugh Benjamin

The initial construction and setup of your Google AdWords account is essential in helping you reach your paid search objectives be whether they are customer acquisition, lead generation, efficient e-commerce sales, or branding and awareness.
Prior to actually creating your Google AdWords account conceptualize the way you prefer to format your account. Synch up your item categories and subcategories to paid search campaigns and ad groups.
Campaigns are generally best employed to house a merchandise category. The ad groups that show up beneath the campaigns give you the freedom to explain distinct features of the product which the campaign represents. Ad groups also are the place you are going to be assigning a list of keywords and ad copy that will reflect the item and its characteristics.
Breaking your campaigns and ad groups in apart from the beginning helps to make your ad copy particularly relevant to each customer's search. The more focused the ad copy you write for every ad group is to the user's query, the more efficient your program will likely be.
Basic Setup
After you log in, you will be required to name your first campaign and set up the areas that you would like your ads to appear. You will have the ability to go back and update this information if you ever need to at a later date.
Networks: Following this you'll need to determine what networks you want your ads to show up on. You will come across options for both search and display.
Search: Inside of Search, you are able to elect to display your ads on Google only, or across Google and its Search partners. Search partners are second and third tier search engines that can assist in driving incremental traffic.
Display: Google's Display Network can create volume by serving your ads (both picture and text) within subject matter on corresponding web pages.
Devices: You are also going to decide the equipment your ads may appear on. Desktops and laptop computers may be a no-brainer, but iPhones and other mobile gadgets must be awarded some consideration. If your mobile shopping experience is awkward, contemplate electing out of mobile devices to begin with. Bidding and budget: To keep your campaign functioning adequately in the beginning, choose Manual bidding for clicks. This will call for extra labor once you start running your campaigns - but the payoff will be worth it. Manual bidding helps keep your program in check and lets you make bidding actions according to your program objectives. Furthermore you will set your daily budget here. You can easily (and will) adjust this in the future as you learn through your campaign. Position preference: Within the Bidding and budget section you are instructed to establish your Position preference. This designates which position your ad will display within the search results page.
Set this to the "off" position, managing the campaign to cost-per-click (CPC) levels that will ultimately gain at an efficient return on investment (ROI) -- as opposed to defining a specific position range. Enable your bids shape your position, not the other way around.
Delivery method: It is often better to start by selecting Standard, which will display your ads evenly over time. This will be helpful if you are working with a limited budget, as your budget will be paced over time during the day as opposed to being used up within a matter of hours. Ad extensions: These features are specific to Google AdWords. Google Sitelinks for instance, allows an advertiser to add up to four additional links, with unique destination URLS, beneath the standard ad. Ad schedule: Additional selections within the basic setup include scheduling a start and end date for your campaign, and setting the days and times you want your ads to appear. Ad rotation: Select the preferred ad rotation for your campaign. It's always best to run multiple ads in an ad group and determine top performers through testing. Google will serve ads one of two ways:
* Rotate: Shows all ads evenly over time.
* Optimize: Shows ads with higher click-through rates (CTRs) more frequently.
If you plan to be very hands-on with the management of your account then select Rotate to show your ads evenly. If you have three ads in an ad group Google should serve these ads evenly. This will allow you to detect under-performing ads as they will all receive similar exposure in Google.
Underperformers should be paused, and new ads should be created that contain elements of your better performing ads. Running this process on an ongoing basis will keep your campaigns fresh and performing at a high level.
Ad Groups, Ads, and Keywords Now that you have the basics set for your campaign, create your first ad group, which will fall under the campaign that was created. Ad groups will house your ads and keywords, and will be related to attributes of the product you're advertising.
First, name your ad group.
Next, create your first ad. Five mandatory fields need to be filled out when creating your ad. There are limits of 25 characters for your Headline and 35 characters for your Description lines 1 and 2. Adding keywords is the next step. With the help of a keyword tool, you can populate your keywords into the open field in the interface or upload a keyword spreadsheet. Test out multiple keyword-match type combinations to see the type(s) that help you achieve your goals.
Realsearch is a California-based firm dedicated to providing fully customized internet and search engine marketing services. For a free evaluation of your pay-per-click advertising, social media marketing, search engine optimization, site development and site analytics visit today.
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Pay Per Click Is Best For Beginners By Margaret J Marceau

One of the most inexpensive methods used in online marketing is the PPC method or what they called Pay per Click which is a method of advertising currently available. This was developed for the search engines to accumulate revenue for online businesses. Many companies around the world are using this method because it gives a lot of benefits like spreading the name of their company. PPC method is inexpensive to use, that's why most of online businesses use. It also helps millions of internet savvy gain an extra income.
As a brief history, Pay per Click was developed in 1998 by a company who wish to be a part of a certain search engine. As of now, this method has been used by many companies on search engines to increase the flow of traffic on their website. This means, the more traffic on a certain website, the more popular the website will become. This makes the website put its rank on the top of every search results. In PPC, bidding is commonly used by many search engines. The advertisers submit their advertisement along with keywords which is carefully selected relatively to the background of the business. Like for example, if a company sells printers, the keyword should also be relevant; like using the keyword "high-def printer". After the submission of the advertisement, the advertisers decide on how much they are willing to pay with each click on the advertisement. Most internet savvy are familiar with this type as it is usually shown on the side or top of every search results. They are commonly known as sponsored links or sometimes as sponsored advertisement. There are also other ways of how PPC could be done. It can also be used on content sites. On content sites, the advertiser will pay a fixed price on every unique click. This is far more than different with search engine which that uses bidding. Having a unique click can help reduce the cost because it only charges on one click per user. This type of marketing varies from its cost on different search engine and websites. Search engines base their fee on the amount of information which is present on the search engine and produce it on search results. While, content website charges at fixed rate depending on the size of the advertisement, it includes the placement of the ad and its contents.
There are lots of benefits that you can get using this method. Pay per Click is best for beginners who are new in the online business. You can also get a PPC course if you wish to be more familiar and expert in this kind of advertising strategy. There are many ways improve your online business. To learn more about PPC marketing, you can read on many reviews on the internet.
The author writes for which specializes in providing valuable information for internet marketing. Find out how Pay Per Click can direct visitors to your websites.
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Speed Up Your Website by Optimizing Images By Mark Csabai

see it all to often, a website that has very little content and a couple of images, but takes forever to download.
Images that have been uploaded to the website and then re-sized in the website design program instead of an image editing program.
When you upload an image to your website, and then re-size it to the size of a stamp, you have done nothing to the image size at all. What you are actually doing is telling the browser to re-size the image on the fly, this creates a lot of extra work for the browser. The image that you re-sized to 2 x 4.5 inches is still 8 x 10 inches and now takes 2 minutes to download.
Although a great number of users are switching over to broadband every year, there are still a large number using the old dial-up connections. It would be unwise to exclude them when designing/editing or optimizing your website, one of the major considerations to make for dial-up visitors, is the loading time of your website.
Generally speaking, most of the text on your website will be loaded in a very short time, even on a dial-up connection, normally the culprit of slow-loading websites is large un-optimized images on your pages. It is very important to maintain a balance between, having just enough images to attract your visitors, and not compromising the loading speed of your website.
You should always take the extra time to make sure that all images on your website are optimized so that they load in the least time possible. What I am actually saying, is that, you should always use an image editing program to remove unwanted data and information from the image, which in turn, decreases image size without compromising its appearance and quality.
If you own Photoshop, Fireworks, Paintshop Pro, it becomes obvious that when you attempt to save the image as a JPEG file, a dialog box appears which allows you to select the "quality" of the JPEG image -- normally a setting of 8 to 10 or even "medium" to "high" quality is fairly acceptable, as it will retain the quality of your image while saving it in a smaller file size. If you don't have the programs I've just mentioned, not to worry, there are many Freeware image editors and image compressors online that you can download and use to reduce your image's file size.
Just one small thing to remember! Before you save your image in the desired format, you should physically re-size your image first, in other words if you are going to upload an 8 x 10 inch photo, you should first scale it down to a reasonable size, lets say 2 x 6 inches, and then save it in the desired format with a compression of 8 to 10, now you have a reasonable image to view, with fast download time.
If you prefer, you can choose to save your images in PNG format, this will give you the best quality at the least file size. You may also save your images in GIF format -- the image editing software for GIF will clip away all the colour information not used in your image, hence giving you the smallest file size possible. However, take note, saving in GIF format will more than often compromise the appearance of your image, so you will have to make your choice carefully.
Here is a list of some Free Image Editing Software with Reviews:
  1. Photoscape
  2. Gimp for Windows
  3. Paint.Net
  4. Serif PhotoPlus
  5. Pixia
  6. Ultimate paint
Mark Csabai is an Independent Internet Professional who advises and equips business owners in South Africa on how to "Harness the Power of the Internet". Find out more about how to build, publish and market your online business at: or you can Like him on Facebook
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DIYThemes - Thesis Theme Framework By Alam Shaheda Mano

DIYThemes - one of the best producers of website templates has enhanced Wordpress to a higher level through its Thesis Theme Framework which help developers with the advanced SEO tactics, incredible design flexibility, and lightning-fast loading times.
Thesis is a leading Framework with well-organized HTML, CSS and PHP Framework which serves as a base for developing any type of website and it also has efficient easy-to-use controls that helps us to modify any page of our website individually.
Thousands of developers rely on Thesis without any risk of failure. The Thesis option panel allows you to control your website effortlessly and the Theses Framework does all the remaining work such as Flexibility, Customization of the website and help in creating a handsome and advanced websites without any core code. You will be provided with great tips through theses blogs, tutorials, WordPress SEO and Support Staff is always present to help you in all your queries and clear all your doubts and in-turn helps you to build a successful and profitable website.
DIYThemes is a place where you will be able to plan your killer website design by using all the tools provided in the Thesis Framework.
• Dominant Framework
• Thesis option panel
• Designs unique websites
• Revolutionary layout generator
• Pinpoint font controls
• Industry bar-setting support staff
Thesis Purchase - Plans and prizing:
• DIYThemes allows you to download/Purchase the Thesis framework only if you are a registered person.
• Opt your choice to download from Developer's option or Personal option, both varying in cost and limitations.
• Answers and Forums can be accessed only by its members
• You are benefited with a Lifetime Thesis upgrades
• 30-days money back guarantee is an added advantage given by DIYThemes.
DIYThemes is a place where you will be able to plan your killer website design by using all the tools provided in the Thesis Framework. Thesis is a leading Framework with well-organized HTML, CSS and PHP Framework which serves as a base for developing any type of website and it also has an efficient easy-to-use controls that helps us to modify any page of our website individually.
Thesis Theme Framework which help developers with the advanced SEO tactics, incredible design flexibility, and lightning-fast loading times and many advanced features as well.
Use DIYThemes Coupons to get DIY WordPress theme at discount price. You can also go for more DIYThemes of your choice and get them using DIYThemes Coupon code.
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How Should I Come Up With a Website Name for My Business? By Kim Meredith Smith

The only thing more important than determining what your business will offer is choosing a name for your business. In most cases, your business name has significance that is either personnel or informative. Either way the idea of adjusting your name to fit a website is a tough pill to swallow. However, there are many reasons why coming up with a website name for your business may require some compromise or adjustments.
The number one reason that must people have for choosing a website name that is different from their business is availability. If you go to register a domain name that is the same as your business name, it may or may not be available. If it is already taken, the most economical and fastest resolution is to simply choose a different version of your business' name. However, there are other reasons to select a different option from your business' name that are sometimes overlooked, but could be important to your company's success.
Your business may have a great name which gives you a lot of pride, but if the name is long or cumbersome, it might hinder your website. For instance, a long name is much harder for the average person to remember no matter how obvious it may be. Another problem is customers prefer not to type in very long web addresses, especially if they are accessing your site from a mobile device. If you want to really get your customers attention, you should select a snappy website name that is tied to your business in some way.
An example would be Kaiser Permanente. The company has a long name that is hard to spell. The solution was simple. The company uses KP dot org as a website address. It is easy for customers to remember, but is still relatable to the name of the organization. This is a great place to start, when choosing a website name for your business. You can shorten the name by choosing the initials for the company. Unfortunately, the initials are not always available, so it may be necessary to use your imagination.
When the initials of your company won't work for some reason, you can try a different approach. For instance, maybe you keep it simple with just the first part of your name. You might also look at finding a word that represents your company's product or service. You may be able to do a play on words, such as yrdwurk dotcom for a lawn care business. The point is to find something simple, easy to remember, and quick to type so customers will be more likely to recall your website. If a customer can remember your site address, it will increase the odds that he or she will become a return visitor. This is especially true if you provide content or products that are always new and fresh and keep the individual's interest. What's in a name is not always the literal translation, but it may help your customers remember your business.
If you are interested in web design quotes and help with business names, please click here.
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How to Start a Website and Make It Look Good By Brian Lau

It's hard to imagine a business without a website these days. It's obviously the best way to present your business to a potential client since the days of using the Yellow Pages are over. But what if a business is a new start up? They may have a limited budget and creating a website themselves might be the cheapest way for them to do it. There are two ways to start a website - hire a professional or do it yourself. Either way you should understand the basics of how to start a website.
The first step in the process is getting a domain name and internet space. You should try to stick with name for search engine optimization purposes. It's still the most popular one to use. Internet space is also called web hosting. Think of it as a hard drive for the internet where you will place all of your files. You a search engine for "web hosting" and you can purchase the domain name and internet space cheaply.
Designing the web site is the second part of the process that can be done by yourself or a professional. I will assume that you want to do it yourself. Anyone can learn how to design a website. It just takes time and patience. I recommend using a search engine to learn since this is about saving money.
This is where a person may get confused about where to even start. I recommend searching for some basic Photoshop tutorials. This will help you get familiar with the software that you will be using. Next, I would search for a tutorial on designing a web site. This will help you go step by step on designing a site with a navigation, text and images.
Now comes the hard part - making your website look good. This is where you should look for graphic design tutorials. Try to understand typography and composition. Look at websites and try to analyze them. See how they use the principles of graphic design.
I know you will think that your design is bad but do not give up. Designing a good website is not easy. Keep redesigning the site and over time, it will begin to look better and better. It could take 10, 20 or more designs to really start understanding the intricacies of web sites.
The last and final part of the design process is learning HTML to make the website functional. Do a search for HTML basics. Also search for a tutorial that explains how to cut your Photoshop design into multiple images. This will help you apply the look and feel of your design into HTML. Once you're done, simply upload your files to your web host.
Designing a website by yourself is the most affordable way to promote your website online. It does take time from your personal life and from managing your business. This is the main tradeoff - using your time to save money. A great website not only looks good but it also help you accomplish your business goals. After all, you want your website to work for you.
Brian Lau is a professional art director/designer and is based in New York City. See his work at
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Working With Web Designers for Successful Outcomes By Emily G. Jones

While working with Website developers and designers, it is noticed that some projects result in better outcomes than others. The idea is to ultimately develop successful websites that work for your business and brand image. The success of your internet project highly depends on the relationship that you are able to build with your designers.
Let's go through some of these simple tips on how to ensure that your designers deliver the best results possible -
1. Patience Is Truly a Virtue
Many times, clients tend to rush development projects. Combining tight deadlines and limited budgets is a sure shot way to hinder the quality of your web design. To be able to create a quality end product is time consuming and it is important that as a client you give your designers the required space. Discuss your time lines and expectations well in advance so as to ensure complete transparency from both ends.
2. Make Sure You Are Involved Through the Design Process
Many web designers will insist that they work in 'secrecy' after they have received the initial brief. This is not a viable proposition since you will have to wait till the very end to find out of the result is close to your expectations or not. Make sure that you insist from your end to view the work in progress so that you can provide all necessary inputs to make sure the portal is shaping up like you want it to.
By chance if your designer misunderstands your brief and spends his working hours creating something inappropriate, it is a complete waste of man hours and money. It is better that you work together with the experts from the beginning of the project to ensure that design is something that satisfies all parties involved.
3. Have Clarity on Your Expectations
A big mistake that clients tend to make is, not knowing what they want out of their website. Simply picking out good features and design elements out of popular websites and expecting your designer to collaborate them is not how it should work.
It is one thing to go through other website for ideas but also develop an understanding on design rules and practical application.
The lack of clarity among clients can lead to a lot of waste in time and resources and eventually the project continues to go around in circles. Instead of asking for multiple designs, have your designers work on one strong skeleton and work on that to add and edit elements to suit your requirement the best.
4. Test Your Website
If you are personally not confident about your end result or are having a disagreement with your designer, try to get a small group of your target audience test those features on your website and give you an unbiased feedback.
5. Communication
For best results it is important that you communicate your ideas, business objectives, industry trends and target audience profile at great length with the experts that you hire. Leaving everything to their imagination is not the most practical approach for one to adopt. Everyone has different perceptions about different things, and it is important that the experts are able to see things your way as well as the way your customers see it.
Building a strong relationship with your designers will not only held you in your design phase but also in the re-designing stages of your website where you can confidently assign your requirements and ensure quality results.
Emily g. jones is the author of various types of articles on various subjects. Web Design Vancouver - Ivoryshore is Vancouver based professional web design company providing quality web development services.
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Website Mascot for a Strong Brand By Allan Hugo

Website mascot has a unique role in strengthening your company's brand. Think of a website that is pure text. Adorn it with graphics like icons and logo. The site now has its identity. What about displaying the website mascot? What will be the effect of that?
A website mascot is a drawing of an animal, a robot, an alien or just about anything that has a human characteristic put into it. Some famous mascots are that of HostGator, Crocweb, Leopardhost, and many more.
The mascot is cute enough as to make your audience smile. It looks friendly enough to make your audience feel welcome. Yes, that feeling of warmth is very important. Your mascot provides the right ambiance to encourages sales.
The mascot carries the personality of your company together with your logo. With the presence of a mascot, trust is propagated in somehow mysterious ways. There is that certain charisma in a mascot that captures the heart of the audience. Your brand becomes lovable and memorable.
The mascot becomes an ambassador of your company. It provides a unique link of your products or services to the heart of your customers. Think of McDonald's. Their mascot plays an important role in bridging all stakeholders
The mascot serves as an instant recall of your products or services. Who can ever think of Michelin without having the image of the mascot in their minds. That's the magic that only a mascot can do. It binds your brand and products or services together so that your company is loved more by your customers..
The mascot is there to catch the attention of your audience. Browsing through a number of sites is boring, but a quick glance at a mascot will make your visitor stop for a while, take a look at your website mascot, and if your mascot is able to capture the heart of the visitor, you have gained for yourself a loyal customer!
A website mascot is not just a simple drawing. It is done by a professional artist. The artist usually excels in cartoon drawing as most mascots are cartoon characters. In order to have an excellent, effective website mascot, you hire a professional. Don't do it yourself. It will be a waste of time especially if you are artistically challenged.
Get a mascot for your website today. The benefit is priceless and lasting. Strengthen your company's brand right now.
Allan S. Hugo is the administrator of Imago Web Development, a team composed of real artists. The company provides services on website design, logo design, mascot design, custom illustration and icon design.
Unique, hand-drawn cartoon mascot
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What Constitutes a Good Website - According to Your Web Design Company By Glenda Himes

I am not a good web designer. But I would love to share with you my ideas and opinions on the web design trends I am currently seeing these days. Your company website adds up to your credibility and trust level amongst your clients. Your hired professional web design company should be able to meet the qualifications needed to be able to create your desired website popularity.
Now, what are the factors that your hired professional and the best web design company should be doing to say that they are doing a great job and they are effective?
Your web design company should have knowledge of the latest techniques and technology in web design. One thing that they should be doing is to use the best practices that great web designers are doing.
1. A good web design company should create and should not forget to use tagline. What is a tagline? It is a statement or a company motto that represents the company's mission, vision or values. It is something that is very obvious and should be seen as soon as you have entered the company website.
2. They should be able to create a site search. This is even effective if you have a multi-paged website. It is a tool that you can use to easily direct your visitors to the page or topic that they are looking for.
3. For even easier navigation, use site maps. It is somehow new to some website owners most especially if their website is almost ten years old. Site maps are structural representations of each page on your website. It is a page title collected on one page and linked to the other pages on your website.
4. Easy to read pages on your website creates a big role in maintaining loyal visitors. It enables them to stay on your site and read the contents that you have inside. Survey says that most visitors do not usually read the contents of the website, what they do is they usually scan it by just reading the titles and looking at the emphasized text and sentences.
5. As much as possible, you should be avoiding captchas. There are some people who don't want to see captchas on the websites they are visiting. It's not that they are not human (because captcha says that if you are human you should be able to type in their captcha), but it is because they are not okay with the interruption it brings and the time that it consumes. We usually do not understand the font and the letters because it is usually not written the way that it should be written. So, bottom line is, do not use captcha.
There are a lot of web designers these days. They know many designs and they can do great designs but the way your website is created should be something that your visitors can be pleased with. Your visitors play a big part on enhancing your website's popularity. So the way you can help popularize your business website is to be able to know your visitors comments and suggestions towards it. I just hope that this article will help you on your planning and preparation. Do let me know if this article helped or not.
For your Phoenix Web Design needs, Primeview offers award winning website designs & other marketing solutions for your business.
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What You Should Know Before Becoming A Freelance Web Designer Part 1 By John K. Taylor

It is not uncommon for people to want the luxury of working from home, and many web designers are able to achieve this through freelancing. But this isn't as easy as it sounds. To become a successful freelancer, it takes a lot of work and is really not for everyone. If you are considering working in freelance web design, there are some things that you should first consider:
The business side of freelancing
In order to effectively run a freelance business, you will have to learn how to run it. Many people will go back to school to study a Bachelor of Business of some kind. Remember that, on top of all this, a freelancer will also have to keep up with the newest standards and trends in web design.
As you will no longer be working in an office with defined work hours, you will have to ensure that you begin work on time and stick to your schedule. You should also ask yourself whether you are prepared to work over 40 hours a week in order to complete tasks, as this is what many successful freelance web designers are forced to do.
You must also be familiar with the legalities and paperwork side of running a freelance web design business. You will need to register your business and pay taxes - essentially, as a freelancer, you are playing receptionist, accountant and manager as well.
The technology
When considering becoming a freelance web designer, you will need to consider whether you can handle the various technologies that you will need on a day-to-day basis. Will you be able to keep up with the changes in technology as well as keeping on top of your workload?
As a freelancer, you must also consider how you will communicate with your clients and how you will hold meetings. Even if you prefer email communication, there are times you will need to discuss matters over the telephone and you will need to be comfortable with this.
The required organisation
Thanks to the various technologies available, it is extremely easy to become organised these days - but it still takes a level of effort on your behalf. As a freelance web designer, you will need to create readable and achievable daily, weekly and monthly plans to ensure that you are staying on track. You will also need to effectively manage your email, by checking it at least three to four times a day, to ensure you don't miss anything important.
In part two of what you should know before becoming a freelance web designer, we look at the sort of stress levels and financial knowledge you will need in order to be successful, as well as the importance of having a backup plan.
This useful article is shared by John K. Taylor on behalf of Infinite IT Solutions - Melbourne based Website Design Company. They have an expert Web Developers and creative Web Designers in Melbourne which are expertise in their fields. They also offer web services like web development, email marketing, online marketing and SEO services in Melbourne to their clients.
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Increase Traffic, Credibility and Exposure with Google Authorship

This exciting new feature allows you to add your photo and author information to Google search results!
Successful article writing and marketing is all about ongoing incremental improvement rather than revolutionary growth. The ideal approach is to constantly improve your processes in an effort to increase your traffic, credibility, and exposure. Sometimes you’ll discover that a new way of doing things will lead to some pretty impressive results, but typically you’ll need to implement multiple, ongoing enhancements in order to see any radical growth.
Then again, there are times when something comes along that has the potential to have a huge impact on your success.

Network Marketing Pro Fast Track By Donald L Thomsen

I am seventy three years of age and was in dire need of additional income. At my age my options for employment are severely limited. However, I have acquaintances making a comfortable living selling various items on the Internet. "Why not me," I thought. Where do I start? I figured the obvious place to start to become a Network Marketing Pro was to search Google for proven systems that others have been successful with. I encountered my first problem. There are virtually millions of systems, all professing some degree of success selling some kind of product or service. Most wanted me to compile a list of people who:
1. Can use their products
2. Want to earn extra income
3. Are not satisfied with their present jobs
In my case, the people I came up with had already been contracted by some else with the same motive and I received a polite NO from most. Unfortunately this is where the majority of seekers of home based businesses find themselves when trying to access the cyber world of Internet marketing.
My initial knowledge of the Internet and social networking was limited to e-mail. I quickly found that everyone has a system, some may work, most don't. Everyone has products or services they are trying to sell, some may be good, most aren't. I was very frustrated after several wasted months trying to find the right system, with hundreds of dollars squandered. I was overwhelmed until... I found one that works.
I discovered that the secret to getting on the fast track to becoming a Network Marketing Pro is to find a system that has the following criteria, no shortcuts!
Find an honest, legitimate company with a provable Internet marketing history. The company must have a confirmed list of products that are in high demand, with access to an unlimited range of qualified customers, just waiting to buy.
You must have your own personalized, professional designed website provided... for free. And you need to have it up and running and ready for business in 24 hours.
This company must be willing to train you, how to entice this broad customer base to come to you... for free?The teaching method they apply must be basic, fundamental and easy to comprehend, even for me. The best and important part, the information they impart must work. It must truly make you a Network Marketing Pro in a very short time.
Instead of having to learn all the intricacies of the desirable products offered, so you can promote and sell them effectively. You simply direct your customers to the company's knowledgeable and trained sales staff. They professionally complete the sales transaction and delivery of the products and credit a commission to your personal, secure, audit friendly account, automatically.
Last but not least, you have to be able to get in on the bottom floor of this marketing opportunity for very little out of pocket investment.
Take my advice; don't waste valuable time like I did. Take the first step to becoming a Network Marketing Pro, TODAY!
Note: If you looking for honest, ethical and legitimate opportunity to generate a full time income from home Click Here.
For free training, free education and free income generating website, visit today.
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Internet Marketing From the Bottom Up By Gary N Higham

When beginning in internet marketing the more you learn the more questions you will have. Just when it seems clear more information can appear and muddy the waters. The eagerness to make money and quit your J.O.B can subside as you realise it is not a get rich quick market. This is good though as nothing of value comes easy. Only the truly motivated and dedicated individuals will succeed online.
The first thing that needs to be done is to get into a mind-set which will be strong and full of desire. This means the market you go into is better linked to a passion. The passion you have for your niche will create desire and will ultimately put you in a success mind-set.
The way the big hitters make money online is from having a quality list. A list is a contact list of people generated from squeeze pages linked to an auto responder. A squeeze page is just a simple page of info with a box to capture an email address and a name of the visitor. This will be linked to a list building program called an auto responder and from here you can email your list.
The size of the list is important, but it is more important to have 500 people who know and trust you from your consistent relationship building than have a list of 100,000 people who don't even open your emails. The only way to create a list of potential customers is by building trust in you and what you offer them.
Leads can be bought. This is not a good idea; you do not know where they have come from, and why they opted into the list your buying, so you could end up losing money on people who don't even want emails about your niche.
You want people on your list that first opted in because you offered them something they needed. From there it is up to you to provide quality content to the list to build a trusting relationship.
There are many ways of generating traffic to your pages. The paid advertising can be in the form of pay per click, article marketing, forum marketing, video marketing and using banner ads on high traffic websites.
These all involve money and investment but will generate good quality leads.
Using a variety of these methods will ensure no one traffic source is relied upon. If one dries up then you will have other options whilst you try to put right why the source has gone cold. The best free way to generate traffic is through article marketing. This involves writing good quality content centred on your niche and this can contain a link to your squeeze page in the author bio.
Focus on one at a time whilst starting out; find a mentor who can show you how they are done. To begin this without a mentor would mean hours and hours wasted on mistakes where a mentor can show you the right way.
There needs to be a plan. You need to decide on what your passion is, what niche you want to apply your passion to, what you will offer people to gain their trust and how you will begin to market your products.
What's needed once you have an internet presence with a blog or website or squeeze page is to generate a steady stream of traffic using the information on advertising above.
Traffic will mean leads from your opt-in and from this you can generate sales leading to conversions. Using these starting techniques will help to get started the right way and not feel like you need to jump from course to course to reach success. Good luck and remember, desire is your fuel to success, and how much do you want it?
Come and chill with me and gain a FREE online success boot camp
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Can You Do Network Marketing Online? By Tyronne Ratcliff

Some thing I often hear from people is "Can we do network marketing online?
You can, buy not completely. Network marketing has always been about relationships and it always will be. If you think you can build your network marketing business behind a computer screen you are sadly mistaken. Be prepared to do a lot of traditional network marketing like calling prospects, following up with them to get answers, sponsoring, etc.
So a couple years back I went on to the internet looking for information about a network marketing company I was in and was under the false belief that I could build it online without talking to a single person. That couldn't be further from the truth.
You see the internet can be a powerful tool as far as leverage is concerned, but if you are generating leads online there will come a time when you will have to pick up the phone and call those leads.
Building and nurturing a relationship with your prospects can be easier on the internet as well. Especially with technologies like email and Skype. We also have online videos that can do thousands of presentations for you while you're out and about. Spend an hour or so making a video and get it published, and it can generate leads for you on autopilot for years to come.
There is a lot of money you are leaving on the table if you are not marketing your business online and only using offline methods. Your just not making the best use of your time.
So you're probably wondering how to market your business online.
It's actually not too complicated
1. The first thing you need to do is setup your marketing system. Hopefully you are implementing attraction marketing by providing value on the front end and then bringing up your backend opportunity when the time is right.
2. Generating traffic (website visitors) is your next order of business. I'll admit there is a specific skillset you need to generate traffic but it is something you can master with some hard work and dedication. Most marketing systems are setup so your leads are sent to a lead capture page where they are offered something of value for their name,email address, and phone number.
3. This is when the followup process begins. The emails you send them via your autoresponder were designed to deliver value and to relationship build. Once they warm up to you and trust you they're more likely to buy from you as well.
4. You can now promote tools and resources that will help your prospects in marketing their business online,the neat thing is they'll actually buy from you on complete autopilot.
5. This is the point when you can share with them your opportunity (the backend). At this point you have a couple options, you can send them to an online presentation. Or maybe if they're local you can get them out to an event.Then all you have to do is followup by phone to get some answers.
Network marketing online can be really effective. What you want to find is a system that works rather than trying to reinvent the wheel and do it all yourself. That wouldn't be makeing the best use of your time, considering you have more important activities to do like prospecting and inviting.
Tyronne Ratcliff is an eager student in network marketing especially on the internet. He's also becoming a knowledge-able teacher, and has a growing student base daily! His main focus is on free advertising methods for network marketers, and has expanded into inexpensive advertising techniques as well. For more internet marketing training tips and tricks visit today!
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Network Marketing - How to Find a Successful Company By David Rohde

Network marketing is one of the best techniques for advertising and marketing products and / or services. Organizations providing these goods generate a network of independent business owners which in turn assist the company with regard to securing orders for there products and / or service. Individual distributors with this system benefit from commissions from business conducted due to their personal efforts. These enterprising marketers grow their personal marketing group and, based upon the commission plan, those network marketers will also get paid for the endeavors from their organization.
Although network marketing is actually an old idea it has had a significant step-up by the expansion with the net. Spreading the information is one of the main factors associated with marketing and in addition with the internet presents the perfect platform to spread this information with staggering speed. When it builds to a large number of individuals associated with the business it then delivers a full enterprise. Many of these are searching for some other type of cash flow. They can be enticed through the convenience in which they can sign up and also by ones hope of creating some quick money.
However what comes about? A lot of individuals are never really in a position to be able to earn from networking. Many of them end up getting dis grunted and either get out and / or become non active. According to one study there may be a greater likelihood for making a profit with games of luck like betting than in network marketing by a typical person. People who are just not motivated about there network marketing organization might have greater luck generating some profit within a casino than with a home business. The research also concludes that the top few people involved with network marketing generate a great level of prosperity at the expense of a number of other marketers which tend not to produce any kind of income.
While I personally do not challenge the authenticity of the report, I do feel that this really is the wrong method of interpreting basic facts. Any time we send our kids to the school we tend not to say the owners of the school are making money at the cost of the students. Furthermore individuals who understand that fact still send their own kids to school.
Network marketing gives you a chance to not just earn but on top of that to learning. The majority of the individuals are enticed to networking with unreasonable objectives. They may be directed to believe that they are able to generate income without the need of a great deal effort on their part. Those who seek to learn go much further than people that will not. Typically the network marketer has got to go through a learning process to understand just how he or she will be able to be successful in generating money.
Achievement is usually some thing that simply cannot be imposed. This will have to be attained. To be successful is a habit and such as every other habit it may well be cultivated. Becoming successful is not any one-time occasion - it really is a winning mindset. Network marketing is one of the best environments where you're able to discover the opportunity to develop your successful frame of mind. But only people who are prepared to develop that will reap the benefits from this business.
Every good organization engaged in network marketing gives lots of support to its sales force. They are going to provide learning opportunity, advertising and marketing supplies, and even support. It may be down to the independent distributors to learn and develop themselves. It's not at all accurate to compare and contrast networking with a game involving luck. Home based distributors that are participants in this amazing game have a very clear option - those people that learn will certainly succeed.
One of the main elements associated with network marketing is the leverage. All successful marketers use this strategy to increase their effectiveness many times over. Leveraging involves having many more working on your behalf. Then, so just why will other marketers work for you. They'll work if they stand to achieve success with respect to their own endeavors. That is why it truly is in the interest of the team representative to watch his group and also find out how to be able to help others generate income. Network marketing is undoubtedly group work.
Network marketing gives you incredible opportunities when it comes to learning and earning as well as gaining amazing friends. For everyone that take the initiative, then becoming successful could be just around the corner.
My name David Rohde and after trying a number of things, I knew there was more to reaching my goals than I had experienced up to now. And, it was then that I was introduced to an opportunity, which made a lot more sense. So, here I am now, pursuing my dreams, in charge of my own success and helping others realize their own potential....If you would like to learn more...Click on the link to receive your FREE report....
Thank you for your time... David Rohde
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Identifying A Top Network Marketing Company By Shannon Satovich

Network marketing companies are being set up nearly every other month, thanks to the success that so many have created over the years. However, with competition becoming stiffer all the time, not all companies have a story worth telling. As a marketer, it is in your best interest to enroll with nothing short of a top network marketing company. Not only will you be guaranteed value for your effort, you will also come out of the tunnel a better marketer than you went in. So how easy is it to spot the top network marketing company?
What to Consider
Many of the people you come across will tell you that network marketing, otherwise called multi level marketing, is nothing but a scam. This is unfortunate because they either don't understand the business model or they are victims of scams known as Ponzi scams disguised as a network marketing corporation. If you do not want to be part of those crowds and create a successful business instead, here are a few pointers that can help you identify a top network marketing company:
  • Commitment to the products: Before you join any company, you need to find out what the objective of the organization is. At a top network marketing company, everyone from the CEO to customer service to the independent partners (also known as networkers, builders, independent business owners and more depending on what company you are with) will show an enviable commitment towards the products. The products will be the foreground, the cornerstone, of the business and everyone involved will be excited to share them with you! If many people do not appear to be motivated about the products, you might just be staring another scam straight in the face.
  • Training: Any network company worth its salt has a strong insistence on training partners. It can be very frustrating (not to mention disastrous) to start a business without any sort of training and this industry is no exception. If you are unable to explain the products or the business to potential customers and partners, it will be very difficult for you to become successful. A top network marketing companies always offer strong, solid training to their partners because they want to help you succeed. If there is no such training, it is not a top network marketing company.
  • Promotion: The network marketing company you are considering should be structured so that those who treat it like a business are the ones that will succeed. You want to make sure that you are rewarded for your promotion efforts and that the partners that run their business like a business are rewarded for their efforts. But if the company pays well only to the people that got in first, you may be looking at a scam! The beauty of a top network marketing company is that the harder you work to build a strong foundation, the more you climb up in ranks, giving you the dream of residual income.
This means that any network marketing company that is neither committed to their products nor partner training or one that offers snail-pace promotions is not worth your time or consideration.
Why Go For the Top?
There is more to opting for the best than just good remuneration. A top network marketing company will definitely improve your skills while ensuring you enjoy what you are doing. You will have the same ability to succeed as any other person that works hard to build a solid business on a consistent basis. And you will enjoy the benefits that come with success for many, many years!
We had been trying to build a successful home business for years before finally finding a team and a company that work together to help everyone succeed. We would love to share our success stories with you and help you build a successful business once and for all! Learn more at:
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Succeed in Network Marketing: 5 Tips to Take You to the Top in Your MLM Business By Jan Moss

Here are five top tips for success in network marketing - could you succeed without following these guidelines? It's possible but not probable! Do you need to do anything else to succeed? Very likely, but if you follow these five tips you have a much bigger chance of getting where you want to go in a much shorter time period.
1 Follow the rules and guidelines of your specific MLM company.
Check out the small print before you start to market your company's products and business opportunity. If it says you mustn't advertise your products or sell them on your own personal website - don't do it! There is no quicker way to see your big home-based business dreams crash about your ears than by breaking the company's rules
2. Follow your leaders
If your sponsor or upline (the person or people that introduced you to your MLM) has a set way of running the business and you can see they are successful, then do what they do! Follow their advice and suggestions and you cannot help but to follow in their footsteps and be successful too. Believe me, there have been many, many people who have thought "I can do this a better way!" who have tried re-inventing the wheel and ended up going back to basics and doing what their sponsor told them in the first place, only to have wasted precious time in the meantime. However, if you see your sponsor is struggling or not getting the results you want to achieve, make sure you seek out the top people in your business whenever you get the chance and get hints and tips from them. Attend their trainings if they have them. I do NOT mean, leave your sponsor or start bad mouthing them to others - they were the ones that introduced you to the business and you should always be grateful to them for that. As you learn more, you might be able to help them with areas they are struggling and build a great team together. This business is all about TEAM work (Together Each Achieves More)
3. Stop selling, start giving!
This can sound very strange to a new recruit - surely the whole idea in successful network marketing is that we sell the products or the business opportunity? Yes, that is the ultimate aim, but in order to do so, we need to be offering a service - find what problem can you solve for someone? How are you poised to solve that problem for them? Always think from their point of view - think "What do they need?" rather than "What can I sell them?". If you know somebody else's product or service would be better suited to that person - refer them! You will have scored brownie points by both parties and both are more likely to come back to you for advice (and maybe your services!) in the future.
4. Personal development
Have you ever heard the phrase that "Your business will never grow faster than you"? This is particularly true of network marketing as YOU are the business, at least in the early years whilst you are just starting on your own or have a small team. Later on, your team members may be more in the lime light than you and that is great - but even then, the more help you can give them in the beginning, the bigger your business will grow. Read as many different books by different authors as you can comfortably manage - go to the trainings. Find someone who truly resonates with you and follow them.
5. Do the spade work!
Most people fail in MLM. It's a fact. However, most people do not succeed in MLM, not because of the company, their upline, the product or the market place (else how would anyone ever be successful in it and there are many successful network marketers out there!) but because they don't do the work required of them! If you don't do what is required of you by the company, you will fail. If you don't do ANYTHING you will fail. If you are supposed to give out 300 catalogues every week and you give out two - what do you expect? If your company policy is for you to hold two parties a month and you don't speak to anyone about having a party or invite anyone to yours - what do you think will happen...? You will fail.... There is only one company I have heard of so far in the online world where you can make money without having to sell their products or sponsor people into the business - the rest do, so get busy!
So there you have them - my top five tips to succeed in network marketing - I hope you have found them useful.
Jan L Moss has many years experience in the network marketing industry and now specialises in online network marketing. She can help coach those brand new to attraction marketing (how to bring ideal prospects to you, rather than chase around after your friends and family) using various tools and techniques. For more information on Jan please go to
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