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Mar 6, 2012

Can You Do Network Marketing Online? By Tyronne Ratcliff

Some thing I often hear from people is "Can we do network marketing online?
You can, buy not completely. Network marketing has always been about relationships and it always will be. If you think you can build your network marketing business behind a computer screen you are sadly mistaken. Be prepared to do a lot of traditional network marketing like calling prospects, following up with them to get answers, sponsoring, etc.
So a couple years back I went on to the internet looking for information about a network marketing company I was in and was under the false belief that I could build it online without talking to a single person. That couldn't be further from the truth.
You see the internet can be a powerful tool as far as leverage is concerned, but if you are generating leads online there will come a time when you will have to pick up the phone and call those leads.
Building and nurturing a relationship with your prospects can be easier on the internet as well. Especially with technologies like email and Skype. We also have online videos that can do thousands of presentations for you while you're out and about. Spend an hour or so making a video and get it published, and it can generate leads for you on autopilot for years to come.
There is a lot of money you are leaving on the table if you are not marketing your business online and only using offline methods. Your just not making the best use of your time.
So you're probably wondering how to market your business online.
It's actually not too complicated
1. The first thing you need to do is setup your marketing system. Hopefully you are implementing attraction marketing by providing value on the front end and then bringing up your backend opportunity when the time is right.
2. Generating traffic (website visitors) is your next order of business. I'll admit there is a specific skillset you need to generate traffic but it is something you can master with some hard work and dedication. Most marketing systems are setup so your leads are sent to a lead capture page where they are offered something of value for their name,email address, and phone number.
3. This is when the followup process begins. The emails you send them via your autoresponder were designed to deliver value and to relationship build. Once they warm up to you and trust you they're more likely to buy from you as well.
4. You can now promote tools and resources that will help your prospects in marketing their business online,the neat thing is they'll actually buy from you on complete autopilot.
5. This is the point when you can share with them your opportunity (the backend). At this point you have a couple options, you can send them to an online presentation. Or maybe if they're local you can get them out to an event.Then all you have to do is followup by phone to get some answers.
Network marketing online can be really effective. What you want to find is a system that works rather than trying to reinvent the wheel and do it all yourself. That wouldn't be makeing the best use of your time, considering you have more important activities to do like prospecting and inviting.
Tyronne Ratcliff is an eager student in network marketing especially on the internet. He's also becoming a knowledge-able teacher, and has a growing student base daily! His main focus is on free advertising methods for network marketers, and has expanded into inexpensive advertising techniques as well. For more internet marketing training tips and tricks visit today!
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