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Mar 6, 2012

Internet Marketing From the Bottom Up By Gary N Higham

When beginning in internet marketing the more you learn the more questions you will have. Just when it seems clear more information can appear and muddy the waters. The eagerness to make money and quit your J.O.B can subside as you realise it is not a get rich quick market. This is good though as nothing of value comes easy. Only the truly motivated and dedicated individuals will succeed online.
The first thing that needs to be done is to get into a mind-set which will be strong and full of desire. This means the market you go into is better linked to a passion. The passion you have for your niche will create desire and will ultimately put you in a success mind-set.
The way the big hitters make money online is from having a quality list. A list is a contact list of people generated from squeeze pages linked to an auto responder. A squeeze page is just a simple page of info with a box to capture an email address and a name of the visitor. This will be linked to a list building program called an auto responder and from here you can email your list.
The size of the list is important, but it is more important to have 500 people who know and trust you from your consistent relationship building than have a list of 100,000 people who don't even open your emails. The only way to create a list of potential customers is by building trust in you and what you offer them.
Leads can be bought. This is not a good idea; you do not know where they have come from, and why they opted into the list your buying, so you could end up losing money on people who don't even want emails about your niche.
You want people on your list that first opted in because you offered them something they needed. From there it is up to you to provide quality content to the list to build a trusting relationship.
There are many ways of generating traffic to your pages. The paid advertising can be in the form of pay per click, article marketing, forum marketing, video marketing and using banner ads on high traffic websites.
These all involve money and investment but will generate good quality leads.
Using a variety of these methods will ensure no one traffic source is relied upon. If one dries up then you will have other options whilst you try to put right why the source has gone cold. The best free way to generate traffic is through article marketing. This involves writing good quality content centred on your niche and this can contain a link to your squeeze page in the author bio.
Focus on one at a time whilst starting out; find a mentor who can show you how they are done. To begin this without a mentor would mean hours and hours wasted on mistakes where a mentor can show you the right way.
There needs to be a plan. You need to decide on what your passion is, what niche you want to apply your passion to, what you will offer people to gain their trust and how you will begin to market your products.
What's needed once you have an internet presence with a blog or website or squeeze page is to generate a steady stream of traffic using the information on advertising above.
Traffic will mean leads from your opt-in and from this you can generate sales leading to conversions. Using these starting techniques will help to get started the right way and not feel like you need to jump from course to course to reach success. Good luck and remember, desire is your fuel to success, and how much do you want it?
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