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Mar 6, 2012

Succeed in Network Marketing: 5 Tips to Take You to the Top in Your MLM Business By Jan Moss

Here are five top tips for success in network marketing - could you succeed without following these guidelines? It's possible but not probable! Do you need to do anything else to succeed? Very likely, but if you follow these five tips you have a much bigger chance of getting where you want to go in a much shorter time period.
1 Follow the rules and guidelines of your specific MLM company.
Check out the small print before you start to market your company's products and business opportunity. If it says you mustn't advertise your products or sell them on your own personal website - don't do it! There is no quicker way to see your big home-based business dreams crash about your ears than by breaking the company's rules
2. Follow your leaders
If your sponsor or upline (the person or people that introduced you to your MLM) has a set way of running the business and you can see they are successful, then do what they do! Follow their advice and suggestions and you cannot help but to follow in their footsteps and be successful too. Believe me, there have been many, many people who have thought "I can do this a better way!" who have tried re-inventing the wheel and ended up going back to basics and doing what their sponsor told them in the first place, only to have wasted precious time in the meantime. However, if you see your sponsor is struggling or not getting the results you want to achieve, make sure you seek out the top people in your business whenever you get the chance and get hints and tips from them. Attend their trainings if they have them. I do NOT mean, leave your sponsor or start bad mouthing them to others - they were the ones that introduced you to the business and you should always be grateful to them for that. As you learn more, you might be able to help them with areas they are struggling and build a great team together. This business is all about TEAM work (Together Each Achieves More)
3. Stop selling, start giving!
This can sound very strange to a new recruit - surely the whole idea in successful network marketing is that we sell the products or the business opportunity? Yes, that is the ultimate aim, but in order to do so, we need to be offering a service - find what problem can you solve for someone? How are you poised to solve that problem for them? Always think from their point of view - think "What do they need?" rather than "What can I sell them?". If you know somebody else's product or service would be better suited to that person - refer them! You will have scored brownie points by both parties and both are more likely to come back to you for advice (and maybe your services!) in the future.
4. Personal development
Have you ever heard the phrase that "Your business will never grow faster than you"? This is particularly true of network marketing as YOU are the business, at least in the early years whilst you are just starting on your own or have a small team. Later on, your team members may be more in the lime light than you and that is great - but even then, the more help you can give them in the beginning, the bigger your business will grow. Read as many different books by different authors as you can comfortably manage - go to the trainings. Find someone who truly resonates with you and follow them.
5. Do the spade work!
Most people fail in MLM. It's a fact. However, most people do not succeed in MLM, not because of the company, their upline, the product or the market place (else how would anyone ever be successful in it and there are many successful network marketers out there!) but because they don't do the work required of them! If you don't do what is required of you by the company, you will fail. If you don't do ANYTHING you will fail. If you are supposed to give out 300 catalogues every week and you give out two - what do you expect? If your company policy is for you to hold two parties a month and you don't speak to anyone about having a party or invite anyone to yours - what do you think will happen...? You will fail.... There is only one company I have heard of so far in the online world where you can make money without having to sell their products or sponsor people into the business - the rest do, so get busy!
So there you have them - my top five tips to succeed in network marketing - I hope you have found them useful.
Jan L Moss has many years experience in the network marketing industry and now specialises in online network marketing. She can help coach those brand new to attraction marketing (how to bring ideal prospects to you, rather than chase around after your friends and family) using various tools and techniques. For more information on Jan please go to
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