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Mar 5, 2012

I Don't Even Know How to Turn a Computer On By Christine Larsen

When you consider that computers and today's technology present countless problems to overcome (or endure) to even Generation X (born 1961-1981) and the subsequent generations - can you begin to imagine what it can be like for the 'Baby Boomers', and those born even before that? When you also happen to see the typewriter you learned to type on, actually sitting behind glass in a Museum, you tend to feel like the evolution of Life and the hi-tech world are so far ahead you will NEVER catch up.
Well, I have some good news for you, my fellow 'Mature Movers and Shakers'. Do you know we have a reputation for being THE most - hardworking, independent, self-reliant, goal and achievement orientated, resilient, adventurous, and adaptable SURVIVORS in the history of the world? Yes. Because, you see, we grew up with incredibly improved educational and financial resources...and more development and innovation has happened in our own lifetime than at any other time throughout the ages. We are the ones who added the word 'Positive' to thinking. If you have the questions - here are some of the answers:
Q: I don't even know how to turn a computer on.
A: That's not a problem. You can turn on your TV? And change the channels? How about your Washing Machine? Able to set your washing cycle and water temperatures? And your Oven?...and choose the heat setting and time to cook? Yes? Then you CAN learn how to not only turn on a computer - but also how to choose to use whatever part or amount of the vast knowledge available to you.
Q: But what if I don't even know how to type?
A: Certainly, knowing how to type makes about half of the computer keyboard easy - but even the most proficient typist has much to learn. Beginning with the first typewriter invented and continuing through until today's 'you beaut' computer keyboard, two-finger typists have produced amazing results. Many of the world's top authors, reporters, journalists, etc., have written masterpieces in exactly this fashion. Your personal typing skills can develop as far as you wish - two-finger, or ten finger touch-typist - again, the choice is yours.
Q: But I'm not smart enough?
A: Are you kidding? You have survived Life this far, held down a job or two, probably adapted yourself to many changing relationships and circumstances, maybe raised a family...whatever...and now you are raising this question? I suggest you ARE most definitely smart enough, and most definitely ready to face a new challenge. After all you have seen and done and been - computering will be a 'stroll in the park'.
Q: What use is it to me, at my age?
A: Please try it, and persevere just a little with it, and you will never ask that question again. But if you honestly don't want to know or learn anything more about the following examples, then you had best stop reading this now (and maybe also stop thinking and caring...and breathing?). Here is just a tiny sampling:
· News (local, national and world - anytime you choose)
· Weather (from everywhere around the globe)
· Pension Information
· Transport timetables (bus, tram, train, plane, ship...maybe book a seat on a space shuttle to the Moon?)
· RAA/RACV info. (or whatever the name of the motoring assistance body is at your place)
· Travel and Accommodation info.
· Dictionary/Thesaurus/Weights & Measures/Metric Conversions
· Further Education sites and possibilities
· Entertainment (local cinema showings, latest film reviews, YouTube videos to tickle your funny bone, games you can try for free and buy if you choose) - the list is endless.
Q: I forget things all the time. How could I possibly remember how to operate a computer?.
A: I suggest you give consideration to doing a Basic Computing Course at maybe a TAFE college...or your local Library may have guidance, maybe even basic lessons - or at least some advice on what is available. I wouldn't recommend 'correspondence' type courses for computing, mainly because I sincerely believe in having a patient and kindly teacher/tutor to 'hold your hand' as you learn. You will find that you will move along at a pace that is comfortable for you - a step at a time - and you will remember - maybe not all of it - maybe not straight away. But it will happen - and once you are a little more comfortable around a computer, you will find endless answers to your problems...and more individual support than you can imagine. Just begin with the confidence that this is not the first hurdle you have conquered - and carry on with the determination that it will certainly not be the last.
The most important step when starting any new thing is to relax and enjoy the journey, recognising that some sessions will present frustrations and disappointments - whilst others will uplift your spirits and make you feel amazingly positive about yourself and your capabilities. Please never forget, this happens to all of us (often) - no matter our level of expertise - we are all just human beings, capable of accidents and errors.
Believe in yourself - and just DO IT!
© 2011 Christine Larsen All Rights Reserved Worldwide
And if you still need more encouragement, just look at the casual thoughts and musings - of one aged pensioner -
ceedee moodling
You see...nothing is matter how improbable it may seem.
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